Think for Yourself:
Information is a basic human right, as is freedom of expression, freedom of speech. As a society, there must always be an arena for public discourse, we must allow for new ideas, for creativity and exploration, if we are to survive. In the past, others have told us that we need not concern ourselves with such matters. They would do the legwork for us, we would reap the benefits. Better living through chemistry, see the wonderous miracle of the atom, the glory of plastic. They would protect us, they would improve our lives, they knew what was best.
Only they didn't. Turns out they weren't the gods we made them out to be, they didn't know it all. Worse than that, they didn't always have our best interests at heart. Sometimes they lied to us, withheld information. Perhaps the side effects of smoking cigarettes, or using DDT, perhaps the downside to nuclear energy. Maybe a corporation didn't want the extra expense of seatbelts, until consumer advocates made it too unpleasant for them not to.
The truth is, just because someone is in a position of power or authority, doesn't mean they are right all the time. Look into it up for yourself, read up on it, learn as much as you can and make up your own mind. Question everyhing, don't take anything for granted. Because if you don't, if you just let other people speak for you, they will. And you might not always like what they have to say.